Kinetic workouts
Categorises the gym workout by these kinetic systems:
- Power (3 mins)
- Strength (5 mins)
- Endurance (8 mins)
- Cardio (10 mins)
- Durability (15 mins)
Every 50 minute workout includes each of them. This is really just a catalogue of kettlebell and/or body weight exercises.
Basic program 1⌗
Cardio (10 mins) of choice run, bike, row, stair mill, jump jop
Mobility (10 mins) circuit of:
- Kettlebell windmills (5 reps each side)
- Kettlebell halos (5 reps each side) variation options include lunges or squats
Power (3 mins) Kettlebell sumo squat 6 sets of 10 secs on, 20 secs rest
Strength (5 mins) Super slow presses 5 sets of 3 reps, 5 secs up and 5 secs down
Endurance (8 mins) as many reps as possible (ARAP) of:
- Kettlebell swings 15 reps
- Kettlebell arm thruster 5 reps each side
Stretch and cool down:
- Couch stretch 30 hard hamstring contractions per side
- Pigeon pose
- Standard forward fold
- Others: Hip flexor stretches, kneeling hamstring stretch, shoulder bridge
The 300 program⌗
300 reps in total across the following 6 exercises:
- 50 x kettlebell swings
- 50 x offset kettlebell pushups
- 50 x two hand horned squat
- 50 x kettlebell clean to press
- 50 x kettlebell L-sit toe reaches
- 50 x explosive kettlebell deadlift
Chandler Marchman’s Kettlebell beginner routine⌗
- Double Hand Swing (5 reps)
- Goblet Squat (5 reps)
- Goblet Reverse Lunge (5 reps/leg)
- Lateral Push Up (5 reps/side)
- Wide Stance Anti-Rotation Row (5 reps/side)
- Goblet Walk (20 metres)
- Deadlift (5 reps)
- The “sit through”
- Animal walks
- Bear walk
- Ape walk
Battle rope⌗
- Lateral wave
Olympic bar⌗
- Clean and jerk
- Snatch
- Suitcase deadlift